Monday, February 21, 2011

1 month

Can you believe that its been a month already? She just is getting so big! I find out on Friday how big she has gotten but I'm guessing she's at least nine and a half pounds Ryan thinks that she might be bigger than that.
She loves sitting up. She gets cranky when you don't have her sit up. Its like she feels entitled to be able to see everything thats going on and be able to participate.
She's starting to like her baths more. I had to turn up the temperature quite a few notches... I almost have her bath water to my temperature. I even let her hang out in the water for a little while longer. It was cute.
I seriously LOVE her in her teddy bear outfit. She only woke up twice in the night when I had her in it. I seriously love it and am grateful to Ken and Alicia for letting me use it.
She still eats like a champ.
She will be asleep for a while then be awake towards the evening. She's most awake from 4-10 in the day. She naps and eats during this time but she only sleeps for like ten minutes at a time.
We sleep more in the room than in the living room. Its nice I must admit...
She does spit up now but its not every time she eats... actually you don't really know when its going to happen its like a surprise
She loves her daddy, she still enjoys sitting on his chest looking at him

my doctor cleared me today. She says I'm healing perfectly which is good. I got put on the pill because yeah I love Madison but I want to cherish Madison as an only child for a while longer. I'll think about it again when she's approaching nursery or something.

Its amazing how much money you save by cooking all the meals... I just need more recipes... I feel like I cook the same five things over and over again
Isn't she cute? I mean shes amazingly cute!!!!
We are blessing her the first Sunday in March
She now wears 0-3 month onsies but wears newborn everything else
I just started her in size 1 diapers

1 comment:

Kara said...

She is so adorable! her dark hair reminds me of our little girl. I love it!