Friday, October 10, 2008

I love lortab

I hate hormones... and due to my hatred of hormones come my extreme love of lortab... I think come Monday I'm going to ask my doctor to write me a new prescription for it because my stash is running out quickly ... and the sad thing is that's the only thing that works half the time...

Ryan and I have noticed our laptop well was getting old and had a couple of things we didn't like. Well Ryan being the computer genius that he is has been looking at sales on laptops for a while and the planets aligned and we got a new laptop this night. its really nifty!

I like it alot! I actually love it! I'm glad I have a husband who knows a lot and knows the information I wouldn't know to get us correct things. We are going to sell our old laptop on ebay as soon as we get all our files off of it. One thing I uber love about this computer is it has the coolest mouse pad it is smooth and continues into the bottom, I've never seen anything like it before.

So in continuation of my cat thinking that he either

a: owns my bed or

b: is the king and owns the world or

c: all of the above

I believe this is proof

Now picture this every night... He hasn't gotten onto his silky green pillow yet but you see how his attitude is. He is worth it though! I love my kitty!

So my view in the economy... I like the lower gas prices but I have a feeling that its going to get a lot worse before its going to get better. I think its the perfect example of the pride cycle

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