Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Give me a V-O-L-L-

so I had my first volleyball game as a coach tonight. I know all the girls so it was kind of fun. Evidently all I do is sit there. I think I need to set some ground rules for these girls like tennis shoes or sports bra... You would think they would realize... on well I'm not too interested. Needless to say we murdered them, like it wasn't even fair... it was like 25 to 2... they had four girls on their team we had like 10... Yeah poor them they sucked two games were done in like twenty minutes.

I am hyper.... one monster at ten this morning still has me bouncing off the wallz. Bwahahaha!

Oh and the response I keep getting from people with my last medical entry... I'm not dying, I'm not pregnant even though I keep having weird cravings (tonight it was McDonald's ice cream) I'm not green or falling apart. I swear if you look at me you'll know its nothing to worry about... so don't look for my last will and testament for a few more years. and when I die if ANYONE puts carnations on my grave I will come back, hit you, then die again. That is one flower I seriously hate with every fiber of my being. I think its a dead person flower, give me lilies or something never carnations.

I deem I want to clone my cat. He's perfect, right now he's sleeping on my pillow. I wont have to clone him though, he's going to live forever!!!

I looked out my window and what did I see? Fat little children staring back at me! Ok not at me but they were sitting on the wall staring at the turkey. I secretly hoped they would fall then the turkey would run up and bite them!!! Ok that sounds bad... It would be funny to watch... You have to admit, a butterball being bitten by a butterball!

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