Friday, March 18, 2011

7/8 weeks

Well life is happier in Janell land today. I just fed her on my bad side and it didn't hurt! Do you know what that means??? You can stop hearing about my boobs!!! What people don't understand is I could handle the mastitis, the after burn wasn't the hardest part. The hardest part was having an infected nipple. (I don't think everyone realized that when I was complaining so horribly for so long... everyone has had mastitis not everyone has had an infected nipple on top of it)

Madison at seven weeks has been interesting. She has changed her sleeping pattern so that she will stay up until almost 3 am every night which makes mommy extremely tired. She would eat from 10 pm to 3 am straight when she was doing this so mommy got very very tired and sore at the same time. I'm thinking that when I take her next week to the pediatrician shes going to weigh like 14 pounds. Shes getting hefty! She has fat rolls on her thighs and I've been wondering if she is still fitting in her 1's and been debating if I should break out the 2's. I just started to put her in her 0-3 month pants which are still seriously huge on her. Its almost like they are clown pants. I think its going to be a problem like she'll be wearing 6 month onesies and be in 3 month pants... I'm not sure tho we shall see. My friend Wendy (who is fabulous by the way!) showed me how to use my moby wrap and let me tell you it is the most fabulous thing in the world! She falls asleep almost every time that I put her in it. She just gets so snuggly warm she cant but help give into my wiles and just klunk out! I have gotten her to take a pacifier for a few minutes at a time if I pretty much force her to do it... I haven't figured out a way for her to keep it in her mouth tho. I've also gotten her to take bottles which is a good thing because I have quite the store of milk saved up at the moment. She is turning into a drooly queen. She loves to drool which is kind of cute. She still loves looking at our wedding pictures on the wall and the picture of the temple we have in our room. She has also discovered the digital picture frame I just put up. It just puts her into a trance its funny.

I went with my mom to her stakes relief society function. I didnt mind it was a good program. I wasnt able to watch it all but I liked what I saw. I enjoyed the fact that women I have never met gawking at her and telling me shes so pretty! I even had one ask to hold her (which I didnt have a problem with) it was also nice to see all the people Ive grown up with love on her so much too!

There is crazy pollen going on outside right now! I walked outside yesterday and I was in awe at how much yellow was outside! It was all over our patio and all over my washer and dryer! I'm glad I dont have allergies!

Ryan and I were able to go on our first date since Madison was born. It was interesting to not have her with me. It was like not having my arm or something. We went and had lunch and went to see Battle LA... good movie. We then went out and went costco shopping. Shopping was extremely easier to say the least. After unpacking the food I went and picked my monkey up from my mom. Evidently she almost ate an entire 8ounce bottle I left with her and then she passed out. She slept almost the entire time we were gone. Its a good thing she was so well behaved for my mom! It means we wont burn Grandma out if we use her as a babysitter every once and a while. But I'm not planning on leaving her anytime time soon other than the one shift of work I'm planning on doing.

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