(There are a lot of edits in here because I've been writing this for about a week now)
She isn't really rolling over but thats because she's constantly being held. I'm sure she would do it if I would put her down more but Ryan calls us a kangaroo shes constantly attached to me!
She really love being with me!
(Edit: She has turned into only wanting Mommy at times... She watches me constantly. She will watch me walk around the room when ever anyone else is holding her or she's sitting by herself)
She chooses to be with me more than others but she still gets a huge smile on her face when Daddy comes in! She knows who her Mommy and Daddy are!
She has earned the best baby award for sleeping though the night two times in a row! I'm hoping this is a new development from her! Waking up with a wet shirt is something I will take every day if it means she sleeps from 10 to 6 every day. (and wakes up giggling and talking every day!)
Some days she doesn't poo at all but then the next day when she does let it out you need a hasmat suit! (Edit: She currently didn't poop yesterday or today... tomorrows going to be a huge blow out!)But then again that would certainly make her a Lund! Every Lund is smelly! (If they say they aren't they just lied to you!)
She is so beautiful! I love looking into her beautiful brown eyes and try to see the person that she will become!
She has started to attack your face! What she will do is open her mouth up all the way and slobber kiss you! She licks all over then sucks! When she gets off of you you have this huge drool spot on you but you cant help but laugh! I think she thinks that what you do because she is ALWAYS being kissed on!
I haven't started her on baby food yet but thats because I think shes still a little bit too young for it. I'll probably start it on her six month birthday... I want to keep her "little" for as long as possible! (even if she is 20 pounds!) (Edit: I've fed her rice cereal twice now. I her for the first time on Wednesday the 22nd and she loved eating it! She had a blast... but according to my mom she had an upset tummy when she watched her and got extremely clingy. I fed her again today, less and with a a shot of mylocon before hand to try to help prevent gas that might happen from it. She did good and hasn't seemed too cranky from it. I will only feed her cereal on the days where I will be the one watching her at night. I think I just need to very very slowly ease her into it... She has a sensitive lil tummy)
Her hair is getting so long its getting in her eyes so I have to find ways to do it and keep it out! (Edit: I put it in piggy tails today! Super cute!)
She really is into sitting on our porch and looking at trees. Shes content out there with me sitting her on the wall and her just looking around... mostly up! She really likes the tree thats right outside the window!
People have been annoying the living tar out of me the last couple of weeks because they arent thinking before they talk. For instance theres a woman who i work with that said I looked pregnant... now mind you I weight exactly the same as I did before I got pregnant and I'm wearing my size 12 pants so I just turned to her and said "Wow! That was rude!" She tried to back track and said I was glowing which I quickly retorted "no I'm sunburnt" along with other people saying equally ignorant things. Its like "hello! Think before you talk!" It takes YEARS to get off my poopoo list! I mean seriously just think! I dont care about a lot of things but if you hit certain NERVES with me I lash back. For instance on facebook I don't really care if you tag me in things I normally just blow it off and leave it. But if you do something STUPID enough I will delete your crap and untag myself because it annoyed me that badly. Its like seriously reword your thoughts don't tag me in it and make it cute and I wont really care, but don't bring my daughter into things... EVER even if you think its cute. a joke is meant to be funny. When a joke isn't funny people just sit and stare at you like you've lost your mind... Don't make people look at you funny.
I've been on a cleaning streak lately... You can eat off my floor right now. It just freaks me out thinking about Madison being in a dirty house! I wouldn't think about putting Madison on the floor even on a blanket if it was dirty! Think of everything that she could touch or get a hold of... Heaven forbid she pulls something down on top of her! Plus when a house is dirty you get more bugs and it freaks me out even thinking about roaches being anywhere near her! They carry diseases and thats not something I want around my daughter! Ever since I watched hoarders on netflix one day my apartment has been pretty darn clean! You don't necessarily smell bleach because I dont want that to end up on my hands and then somehow Madison licks it off of me but its clean enough that I could eat off my counter. Roaches.... *cringes*
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