Sunday, January 23, 2011

the night before hand

*It really is the oddest thing sitting at home the night before we go to the hospital. Its also odd knowing the exact day that you will go into labor and have her.
*My last doctors appointment i was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced so my doctor said it was fine that she induced me a week early.
*even if she didn't induce me there would be no way I would last the week til my due date, yesterday I was contracting about once an hour and the fact that i didn't feel anything that caused me to be 3cm seems pretty impressive to me
*I really wanted to be able to have my sister there because she moves on my due date. I love my sister i cant imagine having something so huge happen and not have her here.
*I'm getting antsy beyond belief and anxious because its so daunting to think about.
*tomorrow i'll have my daughter in my arms.
*this has been so unreal for me because i never thought that it would happen.
*it took three years and a lot of blood sweat and tears for it to happen.
*i'm as prepared as i can be at this point theres nothing more that can happen.
*3:30 am is verrry early to be awake which has caused me to realize i'm not going to be sleeping tonight and if i do somehow fall asleep it really isn't going to be very long.
*Ryans trying to help me not loose my mind right now but he's just as excited as I am
*I put in the extended edition of Lord of the Rings to help pass the hours but it seems like time is crawling by....
*when I get bored and dont know what to watch I put in Lord of the Rings
*I've watched the special features of them at least three times each
*I'm sure they are easily longer than the movies themselves
*I've been watching Big bang theory lately... I love that show
*soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of furr! Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, pur pur pur!
*I'm slightly random at the moment if you cant tell
*I know the last thing I'm going to eat before I go into the hospital is a bowl of fruit loops
*my doctor told me I should eat before I go in because they aren't going to let me eat hint the fruit loops
* I still haven't done my thank yous from my shower...
*I think I'm the worst person at writing thank yous ever
*I'm going to have Madison blessed the first Sunday of march if you want to come
*I just got the dress dry cleaned
*I wonder if I'll be able to get a nap in the hospital tomorrow morning before the contractions get too bad

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